Full Moon in Bryce Canyon

I knew there was a moon that night but the cloud cover was thick and grey. I wandered into the canyon anyway, past the last stragglers until I was enveloped in darkness and by the total silence of the towering rock pillars all around me. It was at the same time eerie and strangely comforting. I felt brave and vulnerable and excited all at the same time.

Then, as I was walking towards the rim again, suddenly the night lit up, shadows appeared all around me, and the moon sailed out from behind thinner clouds. It was such a magical moment!

Sometimes we need to travel off the beaten track to encounter the magic in our lives. When we do, every time, we come through renewed and energized. We are gifted with the awareness of connection to the life all around us.

There's so much beauty in every moment. All we have to do for it is notice.


Who do you want to be?

This is the first question you should ask yourself if you feel uncomfortable with any part of your life. It's a question that allows you to reflect, take your bearings anew, and set a goal to move forward. 

Who do you want to be? 

Which parts do you want to change, which parts are keepers?

Allow yourself to dream, and set out to follow the shining vision of your life path.

Have fun!

This is the life you got, make it count!



Check out the new stuff!

Clear Mind At Work Strategy Month

As we are winding down the year we're looking forward to festive holiday seasons, get-togethers with families and friends, and busy times in medical and veterinary practice! 

At the end of this year of 2021, is there some stress you don't want to carry into your holidays? Would you like to drop some anger about relatives, clients, or your workplace? You have the power and opportunity to do that in the next few weeks if you decide to!

I'm offering Complimentary Stress-Free Medical Career Strategy Calls UNTIL DEC 17TH where I will dedicate 45 minutes to help you see clearer in a frustrating situation (work or life) and decide on some steps to resolve it. 

If that sounds like a good cause to begin the festive season, book your call here or simply hit reply to this email and we'll find a time to chat. 


I've been getting creative! 

My pet project for January 2022 is getting a group of people together who really want to improve their communication abilities because in the last few years communication between friends, families, and between work colleagues has become more and more like navigating a minefield! 

If you have struggled with being heard or with others' crazy beliefs you might want to check this out. 

You can find more info here

There will be an in-person as well as an online version of this course. 

The PreSale until

December 21st gives you a

$200 discount

so don't dally!


Let's move forward together!


Zen Vet Med

Zen Vet Med is my newest Facebook baby. It's a private group with resources for veterinarians who don't want to suffer at work. I'm inviting guest experts to post and share resources other than mine, so I'm pretty confident there'll be something worthwhile in the line of stress relief, burnout prevention and recovery, meditation, inquiry, and wise words. 

And isn't that dog the absolute cutest? 

You can check it out here! 




The W Game is in full swing!

Designed and published in 2018/19 by Tatiana Hopple and her team at ITAN, the W Game allows up to 6 players to share the process of inquiry on a colorful board game. During the pandemic, in-person games have pretty much ceased, so we are now offering the W Game online once a month. 

The W Game is an opportunity to get to know the process and share inquiry with others for only $10 per game! 

The next date for the W Game will be

Tuesday, Dec 14, 4:30-6:30 PM PST.

Join W Game


PSSST - new to the game? Email me - your first game is FREE!


How to minimize the suffering in the healthcare field

Working in healthcare is choosing one of the most stressful and demanding careers out there. The reasons why that is so are obvious, aren’t they? Daily exposure to human (or animals') suffering is inherent in healthcare, and obviously, that is stressful and will take its toll on you. To top it off, we all know about the crazy hours people in healthcare have to work, and because that is how “the system” is set up, there’s nothing much they, or we, can do about it.

But if we inquire into the validity of these above assumptions, how true are they? Suppose you are working in healthcare - if there was a way to minimize or even eliminate the suffering that you could implement, would you do it?

Read this article here!

More into Video? 

Defusing "Angry Client" Situations with Skill and Integrity.

In this video series, I cover 4 approaches for varying skill levels to defuse a situation with an angry person while staying professional and responding with integrity.

  • Video #1 deals with when to respond and when to remove yourself.
  • Video #2 explains how to create an exit strategy;
  • Video #3 talks about boundaries;
  • Video #4 explains how and when to use empathy;
  • and Video #5 explains how to bring yourself into agreement, this being the most powerful and accomplished method.

If you have any questions about this or would like to discuss how to implement these approaches in your particular situation please do not hesitate to reach out! 


Something to read during the holidays? 

I've been enjoying seeing the journey of my life through this lens in the last few months. The Hero's Journey is a fun way of understanding the stages of discomfort, challenge, growth, and celebration we keep going through over and over again. 

Will Craig's book is entertaining as well as giving you tasks to do if that tickles you. 

  • Summon the courage to be the hero in the action-adventure story that is your life!

In an age where people look outward for direction and upward for inspiration, Living the Hero’s Journey provides a time-honored template for looking inward and going deep for the answers we seek.

Buy Used on Thriftbooks!


Be in contact! I always love to hear from you, be it questions, comments, or concerns, or just a How are you?


Wishing you a wonderful holiday season in 2021!





"My greatest joy in life is to work through your fears with you.

I love seeing you begin to understand the extent to which your conditioned mind held you hostage, and drop those self-imposed chains.

I love the light on your face when you realize your own beauty and your freedom.

I love watching those deep breaths that come when the tension finally drops away.

I love hearing the celebration of what happens once you begin to act with confidence and integrity.

I love watching YOU EMERGE and open your beautiful wings.

You are such a joy."


Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work