Products & Services

Feeling Nurtured & at Peace QuickStart

Your first step to making some necessary changes so that you can feel on top of your workload and can maintain your positive outlook and energy levels.

45.00 USD


Test buys

2.00 USD

5 Ways To Engage With Challenging Work Relationships

 Maintaining good working relationships can significantly improve your job satisfaction and overall happiness levels.

0.00 USD

Working with Mindset

Workplace tension can be a major source of stress. It can leave us frustrated and feeling powerless because it seems out of our control. Imagine being able to change what is frustrating you at work!

During this 3-hour workshop, you'll learn tools to help you reframe and transform what bothers you at work, and get to practice with a group of like-minded professionals.

Join for Oct 21, 2021

4-7 PM PST

89.99 USD

Yoga Nidra

Experience deep relaxation and peaceful sleep through listening to this Yoga Nidra. 

4.99 USD

Silence Meditation

Meditating on the silence behind the noise. Allow your mind to cool down, and to expand. Invite peace and calm to replace the noise of the world. 

3.99 USD

Notice the Support Meditation

What would your life be like if out of a sudden you'd notice that nothing was missing? This meditation guides you into noticing the many ways that you are supported at all times and helps you understand what keeps you from the awareness of support. 

4.99 USD

Working with Mindset for Best Performance

Would you love your work to be more energizing and less draining?

Imagine being able to change what is frustrating you at work!

9.99 USD

A Private W Game

A W Game organized for you and your friends specifically! 

This game can be shared between max 6 people. 

60.00 USD
Pay your share - $60 divided by the number of people playing.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. 

4.99 USD

Support for You Strategy + Facilitation

Feel Supported -  Gain tools to let go of your worries and find support in unexpected places. 

140.00 USD

Jumpstart to Stress-Free Excellence For Medical Professionals

Feel more supported, develop a shared sense of purpose with your teams (at work and at home), and improve communication skills.

Welcome to this journey!

1249.00 USD

Total Transformation to Zen Med

Make your life work for you - connect to yourself and others in meaningful ways, ask for what you need, and enjoy your life! 

In-depth - 9-12 months

3489.00 USD

Clear Mind At Work

Gain a renewed sense of certainty and trust in your decisions, and discover that you know how to move forward and find kind and efficient solutions. 

Quick immersion - 3 weeks

689.00 USD