Stefanie E, 

You are good enough - could it be true?



Not feeling good enough

is a belief of truly epidemic proportions. I haven't yet worked with anyone who didn't unearth this belief about themselves sooner or later - including myself.

"I am not good enough as I am" is at the root of all striving, desire for change, addiction, and obsessions.

If you carry this belief about yourself you will find 1000 ways to cause yourself grief and stress every day in your efforts to live up to your own expectations.

Take a moment to consider - is it even true?

Become aware that this is nothing but a thought, a belief. You can question its validity.

Right this moment, how could it be true that you are good enough? Find 3 examples, and let me know! I'd love to share in your celebrations!



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Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work