Stefanie E, 



NO can be the kindest answer

How often do you say YES to something or someone against your better judgment?

Often we don't even notice the slight discomfort or resistance to the thing we just agreed to. Yet your body doesn't forget, your subconscious has noticed.

Going forward, you will begin to feel tired, resentful, angry, or scared. You'll begin to blame the person who asked this of you for how you feel. As a result, your work will be less good, your conversation less honest, your company less loving.

Can you listen to yourself before you answer?

A 'No' to someone else can often mean a 'Yes' to yourself. As a result of being happy with yourself, you'll have more energy and space for others.

An honest 'No' can be the kindest answer.

Don't want to say 'No' off the bat?

Try: "I don't know yet. Ask me again later." instead.



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Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work