Uplift Your Mood!

Colors can have a surprisingly strong impact on our mood. If you pay attention to your daily choice of clothing you'll find that it will reflect your mood. Maybe you even chose the colors consciously to uplift your mood! I find myself wearing bright reds and pinks on days when I feel tired, and black when I feel unsure. Red supports the fire within, black protects, blue stabilizes our mood, yellow brings the energy of the sun.

Jackie Philip's paintings have a vibrant simplicity that will serve to uplift any working and healing environment. Why not get a painting to uplift your waiting rooms? You can contact Jackie at philipjackie1@gmail.com



Why doctors don’t reach out for help

Accepting support can help you be in touch with your essential perfection

In the medical professions, we are conditioned to see ourselves as more accomplished and knowledgeable than the rest of the population. That worldview comes with a huge amount of responsibility and the feeling that not knowing something is unacceptable.

Reaching out for support outside of the medical professions helps us stay in balance as human beings. Inner balance and personal growth are essential ingredients to continued professional excellence. 

Read the whole article here. 









Working With Mindset for Best Performance

This workshop will help you shift your mindset to be in line with your truth and support your professionalism!

Would you:

  • love your work to be more energizing and less draining?
  • prefer your colleagues, clients, and patients to be a little more supportive, reasonable, and in tune with you?

Oct 21th, 2021 

4 - 7 PM PST, 7 - 10 PM EST


Workplace tension can be a major source of stress. It can leave you frustrated and feeling powerless because it seems out of your control. Learn how to take your power back.

We often underestimate how much our own mindset dictates how we experience our workplace. During this workshop, you'll learn a simple and powerful tool that gives you insight into your perception of what is happening that makes up your mindset. In breakout rooms sessions and in the group you'll take the first steps to improve the situation and commit to the necessary actions! 

You’ll leave the workshop with a tool that supports you in changing old patterns that no longer serve you as well as an action plan. You'll feel lighter and able to bring fresh enthusiasm and passion into your work. 

Participants of this workshop called it great, inspiring, and a powerful reminder of how helpful these tools can be in shifting our experience of life.

‼️ Because this is an interactive workshop, no recording will be available if you miss the live event. 

Join Workshop Here.


For an introduction and to learn more on Working With Mindset you can join me for a call on Oct 13, 12 PM PST here.

Please email me if you'd like to be reminded of this talk via email or have access to the reccording - info@theleaderswork.com


What others are saying about The Leaders Work Workshops:

"Thank you, Stef for your feedback. It’s a gift!! I really appreciate the help working through this situation with me.  It seems that this has empowered me in ways I never thought possible."

Betty Lou Anderson


The W Game is back!

Designed and published in 2018/19 by Tatiana Hopple and her team at ITAN, the W Game allows up to 6 players to share the process of inquiry on a colorful board game. During the pandemic, in-person games have pretty much ceased, so we are now offering the W Game online once a month. 

The W Game is an opportunity to share inquiry with others for only $10 per game! 

The next date for the W Game will be

Wednesday, Oct 13, 4:30-6:30 PM PST.


Join W Game


The ultimate freedom - Who would I be without these thoughts about money?

Are you dependent on money to feel safe and happy? 

Are you curious what could or would happen - with your money mindset as well as the rest of your life - if you could feel safe and happy either way?

  • Join me for 6 weeks of inquiring into fear and anxiety around money and working through childhood and past life money traumas.
  • Find your freedom and clarity of action on money issues on the other side of your inquiry.
  • Course outline - weekly 90 min group session digging out and investigating money-related beliefs. Homework includes a weekly partnered session with another participant. 
  • Start date 10/28/2021 - 4:30 - 6 PM PST
  • $125 per person

Interested? Hit reply to this email and ask me for more info!


Recommending to read: 

Mary Oliver's prose is a meditation of love and simplicity. If you want to read something beautiful slowly and leisurely and allow your mind to appreciate and relax, this is for you. 


The first time Percy came back
he was not sailing on a cloud.
He was loping along the sand as though
he had come a great way.
“Percy,” I cried out, and reached to him—

those white curls—

but he was unreachable. As music
is present yet you can’t touch it.
“Yes, it’s all different,” he said.
“You’re going to be very surprised.”
But I wasn’t thinking of that. I only
wanted to hold him. “Listen,” he said.
“I miss that too.
And now you’ll be telling stories

of my coming back
and they won’t be false, and they won’t be true,
but they’ll be real.”
And then, as he used to, he said, “Let’s go!”
And we walked down the beach together."

Buy used and support the planet!


Reframe & Transform - Special offer!

Twice a year I offer personal free 15 min slots to help you reframe a work situation that stresses you. I know this doesn't sound like much time to make progress, but I have found that amazing insights can be had when focusing on a situation intentionally. 

So grab a free call for the first week of November! These calls will go quickly, so don't delay! Schedule your call here.


Reframe & Transform on YouTube


Turn your thinking upside down with the help of Inquiry to discover your freedom and your choices. 


Talks by Stef Skupin






Wishing you a colorful transition into fall!




Stefanie E Skupin

The Leaders Work Facilitator

Helping medical professionals stress-proof their careers.







Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work