Your life is the school of you. 


Vet Med is too.

It doesn't matter how hard or easy your childhood, school, career, or relationships - chances are you have things to complain about.

Somewhere in the distant past of our species, we have picked up the erroneous belief that life should be pleasant and easy. 

Many people today still have subscribed to the illusion of a more harmonious past - maybe the time of our grandparents, or maybe before the industrial revolution, or maybe before western civilization, things might have been better. 

2000 years ago, the Buddha described the state of the human mind as one of suffering. He postulated 4 noble truths:

  1. Suffering exists in this world. 
  2. Desire, craving, and aversion (and other mental states) are at the root of this suffering.
  3. By transcending these mental qualities, we can end suffering in ourselves. 
  4. There is a path that we can walk to achieve the end of suffering and find happiness in this world. 

They say that the time of the Buddha was a peaceful, abundant time in history. Yet, people were suffering. The reasons for it are still the same today.

Buddhism isn't the only path to walk to find the end of suffering for yourself. We are blessed to be living in a time when thousands of paths are open to us. 

Inquiry into your thinking allows you to shift your worldview from being at the mercy of the world to being supported by it. Contemplating the lessons of your own inner states, you grow up.

You mature.

You find more joy.

And eventually, the end of suffering. 


It turns out that the world was your teacher, not your enemy. And your career - however hard it might have seemed - was too. 


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Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work