Stefanie E, 

I always have WAY too much to say in my monthly newsletters. They are too long. So, we are changing the style. From now on, I will limit myself to a quote and short extrapolation once a week. 

If you are interested in more, there's a link to this month's events and blog at the bottom. I hope this turns out more user-friendly. Be in touch and let me know, I am always interested to hear your feedback!


Zen happens when you know who you are.

Who you are plays out on several levels:

The way you show up in the world, your career, gender, race, social status, and body - these form your identity.

On this level, you are separate, limited, and endangered. However hard you try, this version of you ends in death. You spend large parts of your life trying to avoid thinking about the end and trying to avoid pain, fear, and suffering along the way.

On another level, you are part of consciousness.

You are one spark of awareness within a much larger matrix of life. When you know yourself as this you begin to feel connected, safe, and without limit.

When you know who you are - as a part of the whole - you find yourself in flow with life.

You are 'Zen'.



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Looking for meditations, processes, workshops, or private sessions to feel more zen? Click here!







Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work