2022 Is Going To Be Exciting! 

This is me swimming on the Olympic Peninsula in December! It was sooo energizing! (water was too cold for the dog ... 😁)

This last year, 2021, that was the Chinese Year of the Ox. I'm an Ox in Chinese Astrology, AND a Taurus - so really, double bovine energy.

In many ways, I can plod along for a good long while before I get bored, and it takes a lot to make me mad enough to charge.

The good thing is that I can stick to a plan and see it through - you know, like those oxen that pulled the pioneers' wagons all over the world? And I have the nurturing energy of the cow that's a really good complement for a facilitator and healer! 

I don't normally go in for astrology, but when we left South Africa to come to the States in 2015, a friend gifted my husband with an in-depth reading. The gist of the reading was that we shouldn't leave that year or we would bring all the problems we had in SA to our new situation here. 

Naturally, we disregarded the reading - we were also packed and ready to go - but that is exactly what happened.

Last year I was told that during the year of the Ox, keep plodding. Continue with what you do, don't make major changes. They said that 2022 will be the year for changes, big decisions, and leaps. 2022 is the year of the Tiger. 

So now I have plodded for a year and I am READY TO LEAP!

They say God helps you if you help yourself ... 

It doesn't really matter if the stars help me 'in reality' or not - what matters is that I feel energized and excited by the idea of the Tiger. I can use that energy to make things happen for myself and others. I can use my belief system to serve me - as long as I am aware of it, and not ruled by it. 


What could an exciting year look like for you? 

Whether you like New Year's resolutions or not, thinking about what you want your life to look like going forward is a prerequisite for making it happen. The more concrete your plans and ideas, the more clearly you can see the steps to get there. And the more concrete your desire, the more motivation to get there!!!

So I'd like to invite you to think about what you could use the Tiger's energy for in this coming year. 

  • If you could do Tiger Leaps, what would you pounce on? Allow yourself to feel excited! 
  • What are some things you would like to leave behind? 
  • If you don't make any changes, what do you see for this year?
  • What are some steps you could take now - in the next 7 days? 

I love doing this kind of visioning every year because it helps me feel empowered to create the life I want to live. Whether you are working for yourself or someone else - as long as you take your life into your own hands you will feel empowered to create the best possible environment for yourself. 

If you feel like sharing your vision with me, do! I'll cheer you on or engage with anything that comes up for you. If you want, I'll help you inquire into what is holding you back. 

If you want a tool to make this visioning more real and get some energy behind your plans you can use this Clarity Quadrant.


Coming up!

My pet project in 2022 is to help improve people's communication abilities so we can start to work through our many divides. Let's create kinder environments together! 
I put together a Free Workbook you can download here. Below is Step 1:
Creating a safe environment for yourself
The ability to create a safe environment for yourself goes a long way to being able to listen fully and express yourself clearly.
List some ideas for what makes you feel safe, then think about how you could implement them.
Here are some examples:
  • What kind of space would you like to be in?
  • Who should be there?
  • How private should it be?
  • How should distractions be managed?
  • How is the seating arrangement?
Follow the simple steps (and more advanced steps) in this Free Workbook to feel safe and in control in your conversations!


Courageous Communication 101 

in-person and online courses starting in February!

Speak Your Truth with Skill and Heart!

  • Communicate effectively in an increasingly violent and negative world.
  • Build safe relationships with the people you love despite strong differing opinions.

This time of global challenges and division between people is also the time when we most need each other!

This course is for you if you are 

  • Done feeling frustrated, angry, or unsafe when trying to have conversations with family and friends,
  • Feeling scared to speak your truth because you never know what the reaction will be,
  • Done waiting for others to change or to agree with you,
  • Willing to take the first step, be vulnerable, and learn new ways of being and responding.

Find out more here!

There are scholarships available for this course - if you want to be there and can't see how to afford it just reply to this email and let's chat!


Intro to Meditation: Just sit??? I'm not a dog!! 

"Your Mind is a tool that you can choose to use any way you wish."

Louise Hay

My friend and colleague Lupe Caranza is offering an introduction to meditation at a VERY reasonable price.

I'm definitely going to be there - I've been meditating pretty much daily for the last 12 years, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it, and you never stop learning! 

I just adore the title: Just sit??? I'm not a dog!! 


If you want to join us email Lupe at luminousloveyoga@gmail.com






Experience inquiry into stressful thinking with the W Game

Designed and published in 2018/19 by Tatiana Hopple and her team at ITAN, the W Game allows up to 6 players to share the process of inquiry on a colorful board game.

During the pandemic, in-person games have pretty much ceased, so we are now offering the W Game online once a month. 

The W Game is an opportunity to get to know the process and share inquiries with others for only $10 per game! 

The next date for the W Game will be

Thursday, Jan 26th, 4:30-6:30 PM PST.

Join Game



Recommended reading: 

I just picked up another book by Deepak Chopra.

"The Book of Secrets is the finest and most profound of Deepak Chopra's books to date. Want the answers to the secrets of life? Let me recommend that you start right here." --Ken Wilber

To me, this book feels like the essence of Chopra - a little like "The Power of Now" is essential Eckhart Tolle. If you haven't read any Chopra and are curious this is a great place to start. Short, precise, and utterly charming. 

Every chapter has some practical suggestions on how to live what he teaches. I love that I get to start my year with the wisdom of a great master. 

Buy it second-hand here!



#How Can It Work? 

Your greatest asset is your belief in yourself.

Of course, we all know that! But what if it's a shaky one?

What if life is too full of hard challenges and just plain stuff to really feel like I'm good enough, or even great?

Reclaiming the confidence and trust in your abilities often starts with small steps.

You can start with setting yourself a goal and taking the first step toward it.

Or, you can start with inquiring into the thoughts and beliefs that would have you stay where you are at. 

If you want help taking some leaps in 2022 book a free strategy session with me here! We'll start with where you are at and decide how to best move forward.

For more free resources (from me and guest experts) and a steady stream of encouragement join my Facebook Group ZenVetMed - Resources for Vets who don't want to suffer!


The Ultimate Zen Makeover 

If you want to continue your career being joyful, calm, and effective amidst the highs and lows of practicing medicine, this package is for you.

Committing to these 6 months of transformative work will manifest your intention to have your work be a career you can feel passionate about and find deeply satisfying while having time and energy to have an enjoyable life outside of work as well.

The Leaders Work facilitation of inquiry helps you by stress-proofing your working life. Connect again with the deep satisfaction of working in medicine, and find consistent ways to have your work be a source of joy that radiates out into your life, instead of draining your energy. 

Find time for your family and most importantly, for yourself. 

Weekly Yoga and Meditation Sessions help you keep your body subtle and your mind peaceful, clear, and focused. 

Imagine your proficiency in caring for yourself informing your care for others!


I look forward to getting to know you and watching your precious self shine through that grey veil of limiting thinking!


 Wishing you a joyful year in this astonishing, challenging, and wondrous universe!



Let's ride that tiger!



Email me! I'd love to hear from you. Questions, comments, feedback, criticism - it's all welcome. Stef@theleaderswork.com! 


Book a Stress-Free Medical Career Strategy Session if you want to find out how to drop all those things that irk you about work. 

If you know doctors, veterinarians, or other primary caregivers who exhibit signs of burnout such as short temper, impatience, and always being rushed, forward this link for a free guide to improving their career

I'm working with struggling doctors, veterinarians, and other medical professionals who feel so overwhelmed by the daily challenges and unpredictability of their job that they have no energy left to enjoy their life.

Through The Leaders Work private coaching, I help these doctors feel supported and energetic, and have a fulfilled and joyful life outside of work. 

If you know any doctors struggling in this way, send them my way for a Stress-Free Medical Career Clarity Session that offers valuable tools and can determine whether my facilitation can be helpful to them.


Stefanie E Skupin

The Leaders Work Facilitator

Helping medical professionals stress-proof their careers.






Stefanie E Skupin
The Leaders Work